
The Map Library

Created by Roll & Play Press

90+ battle maps for fantasy RPGs, inspired by the 5E adventures in One-Shot Wonders.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Fulfilment (Books Only)
5 months ago – Tue, May 07, 2024 at 10:00:21 AM

Hey, Sam here.

The first wave of fulfilment starts today. This early fulfilment drop only includes our existing book PDFs, it doesn't include the digital Map Library. 

If your pledge rewards include a One-Shot Wonders digital PDF, you'll receive it today. We're also sending out the Toolkit digital PDFs, which were available as add-ons in the pledge manager.

These are the five digital products being fulfilled today. 

How do I download my rewards?

Download links are making their way to backer inboxes over the next few hours.

You'll get an email like this one from Roll & Play Press via SendGrid. All you need to do is click on the item link, and the download will start straight away. 

If you don't get an email by the end of the day tomorrow (8th May 23:59 BST), or if you have any trouble downloading your rewards, send us a Kickstarter message or email [email protected]

Website access

You can also access your digital items via your account. If you already have an account, head to the website and click on the My Account icon (it's the one shaped like a person). Log in, then click on the order you would like to download items from. Inside the order, click on any of the links, and your files will begin downloading.

If you don't have an account on our website, sign up using the email address you used to back this Kickstarter campaign, then follow the steps above. Your digital downloads will be waiting for you.

Where are my maps?

This early fulfilment drop only includes our existing book PDFs. It doesn't include the digital Map Library. 

We're on track to deliver digital Map Library files in October, shortly after we send all the physical files to print. 

Can't wait to start your One-Shot Wonders adventures? Don't forget, backers have access to FOUR early release maps:

Exciting One-Shot Wonders news

One-Shot Wonders was recently shortlisted for the UK Games Expo Judges Choice Award for Best Role-Playing Game Adventure – and today we found out that WE WON THE AWARD!!! We are honestly speechless. We're so honoured to win. My hands are shaking as I'm writing this...

If you're attending the expo in person, you can also vote for One-Shot Wonders for the People's Choice Awards. You can read all about the awards here

We'll be back in June for another progress update. Until then, drop us a comment to let us know what you think of your digital rewards. You can also reach out on Discord, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Twitter.

All the best, 


Locking Orders and Charging Cards
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 10:33:00 AM

Hey! It’s Beth here, giving you a heads-up on our pledge manager deadlines and a sneak peek of the Travel Folder. Keep scrolling for more.

Locking Orders

We’re locking orders for this project on Wednesday 1st May. That means you have today and tomorrow to edit your pledge rewards.

If you fill out your survey after the deadline, there’s a risk you’ll miss out on awesome campaign-exclusive products and your rewards could be shipped out later than other backers. Avoid the dreaded FOMO by filling in your survey asap.

You’ll also want to get in before the deadline if you’re picking up a digital copy of One-Shot Wonders (or one of our other books). We’ll be fulfilling those existing digital rewards soon. If you miss this drop, you’ll have to wait until the Map Library digital fulfilment in October, later this year.

Click on this reset link, send us a Kickstarter message, or email [email protected], and we’ll sort you out with a new one.

Charging Cards

We’ll be charging cards on Friday 3rd May. You will be charged for shipping and any items you added in the pledge manager.

If there are problems with taking payment, BackerKit will notify you and then try again a couple of days later. The most common issue that comes up is expired card details, so now’s a good time to check your saved card is up-to-date. 

(If you paid via PayPal, payment was taken immediately after you completed your survey, so you won’t be charged again.)

Locking Addresses

Even though your choice of rewards will be locked tomorrow, you can still change your address. So, if you’re moving soon, don't worry. We’ll let you know when we’re ready to lock addresses, likely in September/October.

Project Progress

Finally, here’s what we’ve been up to behind the scenes:

1) Developing the remaining maps with pro cartographer Venatus Maps. Check out this super-satisfying gif, showing how the Cave Museum map went from Sam’s simple sketch to the final stunning art:

This map is inspired by a One-Shot Wonders adventure called ‘Fight at the Museum’. Yes, your party get to fight dinosaur skeletons. Yes, it’s as awesome as that sounds.

2) Receiving a printed sample of the Travel Folder. This was one of our most popular add-ons, and I know exactly why – it’s going to be so handy. Take a look for yourself below.

Travel Folder size comparison with the Map Library. Look at the foiling, it's glorious!
We are in love with the Travel Folder's lining.
The Travel Folder has two compartments, so you can separate the maps you need.

3) Creating packaging for our three enamel pins. If you wear yours at a convention next year, make sure to stop by at our stand to show it off!

That's all for now, we'll share another progress update soon.

Until then, let us know if you run any one-shot adventures. Chat to us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and Discord, or leave a comment below.

Have a great week,


Pledge Manager Update (For All Backers!)
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 10:01:00 AM

Hi all,

This quick update contains some important info for everyone, including those who have already filled in their pledge manager, so please take a look through.

Pledge manager deadline

Orders will be locked in TWO WEEKS on Tuesday 30th April.

Thank you to everyone who has already filled in their pledge manager! So far, that's over 80% of you, in 46 countries around the world.

If you did not receive a link to your pledge manager, then please either click on this reset link, send us a Kickstarter message, or email [email protected] and we will be able to send you a new one.

Is the Collector's Edition of One-Shot Wonders already sold out?

No! An inventory glitch meant that the Collector's Edition of One-Shot Wonders was appearing as sold out in the add-on store, but copies were still available. While we investigated, we temporarily restricted access to this add-on.

Now that's resolved, the Collector's Edition is back on sale! These are extremely limited, there are just 17 copies still up for grabs. If you have already completed your survey, you can claim one of the final copies by editing your survey:

  • Log into your BackerKit account and navigate to "Your Surveys"
  • Find the Map Library project and click "Edit order or address"
  • You'll be taken to the Order Confirmation page, where you'll find an option to "Edit Add-Ons"
  • Add the Collector's Edition to your order and continue through the confirmation stages as normal.

If you previously added the Collector's Edition of One-Shot Wonders as an add-on in Kickstarter, this has already been allocated to your order.

How long do I have to change my address?

We will lock orders on April 30th, however backers will be able to change their address after this date. There will be a separate Lock Addresses date (likely in Autumn/Fall) that we will communicate to backers in a future update.

If you are expecting to move in the foreseeable future, we recommend putting in an alternative trusted address (e.g. a friend or family member's) until you are able to update with your own new address, just in case.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post a comment on this update, send us a Kickstarter message or drop us an email, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

All the best,


Pledge Manager and Key Dates
7 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 02:18:54 AM

Hi everyone,

The pledge manager for the Map Library is now LIVE!

This update includes some key information on our survey deadlines and fulfilment schedule, so please take a look through, even if you're familiar with our normal process.

  • 3rd April 2024 – Pledge managers sent
  • 30th April 2024 – Pledge managers locked
  • 3rd May 2024 – Pledge manager cards charged
  • 7th May 2024 – One-Shot Wonders digital files distributed to backers who purchased this add-on (if they have completed their pledge manager and have no outstanding payments)
  • October 2024 – Fulfilment of all digital products
  • January 2025 – Fulfilment of all physical products

You'll receive a link to the pledge manager from a company called BackerKit, so look out for their name in your Inbox (and Junk folders, just in case). The link is sent automatically to all backers in batches over the next couple of days. Everyone should receive a link by Friday 5th April

If you do not receive a link to your pledge manager by Monday 8th April, then please either click on this reset link, send us a Kickstarter message or drop us an email, and we will be able to send you a new one.

Filling in the pledge manager

  1. When you open your pledge manager, please check that your name, location and pledge level are all correct. If everything looks good, go ahead and click the 'Get Started' button. 
  2. If you would like to upgrade your pledge to a higher level, click the 'Switch Your Pledge Level' button after opening your pledge manager (as shown below). This will make sure that your pledge manager is set up with the right rewards for that level. 
  1. In the pledge manager, you will be asked a few important questions about your pledge and gain access to the Add-On Store – it's here you can add extra items to your existing pledge rewards. 
  2. At the end of the pledge manager, you will be asked to enter your shipping address (if receiving physical rewards) and payment information for any outstanding shipping/add-on costs. 

The survey should only take 3-5 minutes to complete! 

If something doesn't look right, please click on the 'Need Help?' button to contact BackerKit support, and they will be able to advise you or resolve the issue.

Pledge manager deadline

  • EARLY CUT-OFF FOR DIGITAL BOOK DELIVERY – Digital PDFs of One-Shot Wonders will be fulfilled early to backers who fill out their pledge managers by May 3rd. These backers will receive their PDF on May 7th. Backers who complete their survey after this date will have their One-Shot Wonders PDF delivered at the same time as the Map Library digital fulfilment in October 2024.
  • LOCKING ORDERS – Pledge managers will be locked on April 30th. Backers who complete their pledge manager after this time will likely receive their rewards later than other backers.

Making payments

If you choose to pay for outstanding balances, shipping costs or add-ons via debit/credit card, your card will be charged on May 3rd. We will notify you again nearer the time.

If you choose to pay through PayPal, payment will be taken immediately after you complete your pledge manager. In the event that global shipping prices significantly change between the launch of the pledge manager and when cards are charged, backers who paid via PayPal will need to pay the outstanding difference before their rewards will be shipped.

Moving house soon?

If you are planning on moving house soon, or aren't sure where you will be living during this project's physical reward fulfilment in January 2025, we would strongly recommend adding a friend or family member's address instead of your own when prompted to add your shipping address. It is possible to amend your address until the pledge managers are locked in late April; after this point, we will do our best to accommodate address changes, but cannot guarantee this will be possible.

Questions and support

Feel free to post a comment on this update, send us a Kickstarter message or drop us an email if you have any questions about this process, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

All the best,


Early Release Map: Forest Campsite
7 months ago – Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 05:25:25 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.